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The Greatest Snub in History
In 1855, Napoleon III (nephew of the more famous Napoleon Bonaparte) ordered that the great vineyards of Bordeaux be ranked, as a guide...

Walking whilst the city wakes...
Most weeks, my days at Ferrandi start early, I’m up at 6:15, out of the door by 7:00 and in the kitchen at quarter to eight to set up for...

No amount of garlic is too much garlic!
This morning to yoga in the village of Bouteille. In the afternoon, Pinky took us kayaking down a small river, only navigable at this...

An unlikely meeting of distance food cultures...
This afternoon we took a walk with the dogs around the lake at La Jamaye. The Images have a lovely dog, called Tilly, a Labrador crossed...

A home away from home...
I quickly made a recipe video of the Hung Shao Pork that I had made on Sunday, which I ate again for lunch, and then got on the train to...

The Palace of the Popes, not the one in Rome...
This morning to the Palace of the Popes, the edifice in the centre of the city which is what had really brought me to Avignon. For nearly...

The Water of the Hills
I left Arles and headed into the hills, to the 11th century castle at Les Baux-de-Provence then to the ruins of the Roman aqueduct that...

Wild horses couldn't drag me away...
This morning to Aix-en-Provence on the TGV and then on to Marseille airport to pick up a rental car. The sun was shining and so I stuck a...

A decaying vision of the future on the outskirts of Paris...
Almost 80% of the population of Paris don’t live in Paris proper, they live in les banlieues or suburbs. The photographer, Laurent...

Walking through a painting...
It was one of those really beautiful days—the clouds hung low and heavy in the sky, obscuring the view of Montmatre from my window, but...
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