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Restaurant Review: The Cristal Room, Baccarat, Paris
Occasionally when reviewing a restaurant, you’re so taken by how nice the crockery is that you find yourself turning over plates and...

Recipe: Provençal Fish Stew
This delightful stew is fresh and bright, perfect for a spring or summer lunch served with a dollop of homemade mayonnaise and crusty...

Omnivore - Paris 2018
This afternoon to Omnivore Paris 2018, a food exhibition showcasing modern cooking with a focus on young chefs. Among the highlights were...

The Rolls Royce of Oysters
Once the food of the poor, and later famous for the pearls that they can produce, oysters are now prized around the world as a delicacy...

The Last Meal of Francois Mitterand
Warning: This post contains an image that some may find distressing. This afternoon to Pere Lachaise, the famous cemetery set on a hill...

An offaly good week
One of the truly wonderful thing about culinary school is how much you get to take home with you. The daily output of the school’s army...

The noble art of making stock—and a bonus vegan recipe!
For many, stock is an unappetising concoction cooked up from kitchen offcuts in a haphazard fashion only to languish in the freezer, or...

The Countess and the Cauliflower—a baroque fairytale.
Once upon a time, in a land of castles and villages, rolling hills and verdant fields, there were no restaurants, no bistros and no...

Recipe: Chicken Stock
Making stock is something of an art form in France, as precise as crafting a good soup, for example. Of course that because the basis of...

Recipe: Chicken Korma (vegetarian option)
Korma is a dish that might draw a snigger from curry snobs, but it truly is an excellent dish—rich and comforting, creamy and mild....
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