Comfort food: pancakes and cheese on toast, done properly.
The day came bright and airy, the rain of the night before having completely vanished. I hung out of the window with my coffee looking over the rooftops towards Montmatre and the passersby in the square below contemplating breakfast. To celebrate my arrival back in France I made french crepes for breakfast (check out the recipe video on Youtube!).
Afterwards to the seine for a run, where I discovered on the Quai d’Orsay some public exercise equipment. Thoughts of using them were quickly scattered by the arrival of some muscly figures, obviously more serious than me and obviously not tourists—perhaps another day.
I bought some bread for sandwiches and then felt inspired to make Welsh Rarebit (or something like it—recipe video on the way) for dinner. I was then dismayed to find that my local mono prix did not stock Worcestershire sauce in the international foods section (this was just as well since Worcestershire sauce is not vegetarian and, whilst I am not vegetarian, I am trying to reduce my food footprint). Mercifully, jars of Maille gourmet Dijon mustard were piled high and on special offer, so all was not lost. After deciphering the instructions for the grill function in the microwave, which I’m having to make-do with until I move to a new apartment, dinner was underway. The cheesy mixture which is slathered all over one’s toasted bread puffed up and grilled brilliantly, filling the room with the smell of cheese, nutmeg and mustard. Some simply soften leeks were all that was needed to complete the meal. Check out the recipe on the blog!
Breakfast: crepes served with lemon, sugar and a strong cup of coffee. Dinner: Cheddar and gruyere Welsh Rarebit with softened leeks and a rocket salad.